Release Notes for fastNLO_reader version 2.1.0 revision 1360: ============================================================= - To avoid the problem of an uninitialized top PDF when accessing ABKM09 or ABM11 PDFs via Fortran in LHAPDF (versions 5.8.7 and 5.8.8), the top PDF has been set to zero explicitly in the Fortran reader. Otherwise one could observe crashes or - even worse - arbitrarily wrong cross sections. This problem was not found with the C++ reader. As a consequence some differences between the reader programs can show up when using a PDF set with top PDFs > 0 like NNPDF 2.1 and scales Q > M_top. This problem has been fixed in LHAPDF version 5.8.9b1 such that the workaround could be deactivated here. Use this Fortran reader ONLY with LHAPDF 5.8.9b1 or later when accessing PDF sets ABKM09 or ABM11 !