2012-10-22 Pre-release of the fastNLO_reader package for the fastNLO tutorial ================================================================== at the PDF school 2012 "Proton Structure in the LHC Era" at DESY, ================================================================== version 2.1.0, revision 1273: ============================= 2012-10-22 rabbertz * fnlo-cppread.cc: v2 reader final final changes 2012-10-22 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc: update with automated caching. 2012-10-22 rabbertz * Alphas.cc, fnlo-cppread.cc: v2 reader: Final changes for tutorial version 2012-10-22 DanielBritzger * FastNLOAlphas.h, FastNLOCRunDec.h, FastNLOLHAPDF.h: Remove commented out statements * FastNLOReader.cc: remove commented out statements * main.cc.in: go back to 2011 * FastNLOReader.cc: bugfix4 * FastNLOReader.cc: bugfix3 * FastNLOReader.cc: bugfix2 * FastNLOReader.cc: bugfix2 * FastNLOReader.cc: bugfix * fnlo-cppread.cc: no FillPDFCache via boolean * FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h: New function PrepareCache() * FastNLOAlphas.h, FastNLOCRunDec.h, FastNLOLHAPDF.h, FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h: Automatize handling of PDFCache. No more need to call FillPDFCache(). * FastNLOUser.h: return bool for InitPDF 2012-10-22 rabbertz * fnlo-cppread.cc: v2 reader_cc: Comment out first x section printout for consistent comparison with fortran output 2012-10-22 DanielBritzger * FastNLOAlphas.h, FastNLOCRunDec.h, FastNLOLHAPDF.h, FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h: AlphasCache is now completely removed from the code an managed by CalcCrossSection() 2012-10-22 rabbertz * fn-interface.f: v2: reader_f comment update for temporary lhapdf top density fix with AB(K)M PDFs * FastNLOAlphas.h, FastNLOCRunDec.h, FastNLOLHAPDF.h, fnlo-cppread.cc, fnlo-fread.f: Small corrections for reader, make default pdf consistent 2012-10-20 DanielBritzger * fnlo-cppread.cc: update documentation * fnlo-cppread.cc: update documentation 2012-10-20 rabbertz * FastNLOAlphas.h, FastNLOCRunDec.h, FastNLOLHAPDF.h, fnlo-cppread.cc: Reader: Change FastNLOLHAPDF(string name) from private to public. This is exactly the functionality I looked for: First define the table, then print table info, and only after that deal with PDF and alpha_s 2012-10-20 DanielBritzger * main.cc.in: update copyright 2011->2012 2012-10-20 rabbertz * Alphas.cc, FastNLOAlphas.h, fnlo-cppread.cc: reader_cc: Reworked example code * alphas-grv.f, fn-interface.f: reader_f: Set a_s to PDG2012 value 2012-10-20 DanielBritzger * FastNLOCRunDec.h: fix output level for printout. 2012-10-20 rabbertz * Makefile.am, fnlo-cppread.cc: Work in progress for fnlo-cppread * speaker.cc, speaker.h: Small mods to speaker output * CRunDec.cpp, CRunDec.h: GPLV3 version of CRunDec 2012-10-16 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc: two bugfixes 2012-10-01 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc: fix. Refill alpha_s cache, if contribution is set on, if it was off before. 2012-09-18 DanielBritzger * LHAPDF.h, LHAPDFConfig.h: remove lhapdf files, since these are available via the LHAPDFinclude directory. 2012-08-17 DanielBritzger * FastNLODiffReader.cc: Instant bugfix * FastNLODiffReader.cc: correct LO and k-factors. 2012-08-16 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h: bugfix for v2.0 tables. 2012-08-13 DanielBritzger * speaker.cc: remove commented part. * FastNLODiffDiffFit.h: User module for implementation of FastNLODiffReader in H1Diffractive Fitting code. * FastNLODiffUser_DiffPDF.h, FastNLODiffUser_Plain.h: remove old files. * FastNLOUser_H1Fitter.h, FastNLOUser_LHAPDF.h, FastNLOUser_Plain.h, FastNLOUser_QCDNUM.h: remove old files. * FastNLODiffH12006FitB.h, FastNLODiffReader.cc, FastNLODiffReader.h, FastNLODiffUser.h: Diffractive modules * FastNLOReader.cc: bugfix * FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h, fnlo-cppread.cc: Update. All enums now in namespace fastNLO. * FastNLOCRunDec.h: bugfix. 2012-08-11 DanielBritzger * FastNLOUser.h: update * fnlo-cppread.cc: example how to use the user functions. * Makefile.am: Update. Makefile * FastNLOAlphas.h, FastNLOCRunDec.h, FastNLOH1Fitter.h, FastNLOLHAPDF.h, FastNLONLOJETLIKE.h, FastNLOQCDNUM.h, FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h, FastNLOUser.h, speaker.cc, speaker.h: Update to User functions. 2012-08-09 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.h: FillAlphasCache must be callable for th user, if e.g. alpha_s has changed in external evolution code like QCDNUM. 2012-08-08 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h: Update for 'no zero' LO flexiblescale table. * FastNLOBlockB.cc, FastNLOBlockB.h: No scaledependent zero's for LO. Templates for redundant vector operations. 2012-08-04 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h: bugfix 2012-08-04 rabbertz * Alphas.cc, CRunDec.cpp, CRunDec.h, FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h, FastNLOUser.h, Makefile.am, fnlo-cppread.cc: Reader_cc: Add CRunDec as choice for alpha_s evolution 2012-08-03 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc: PrintBlock A1 and A2 in debug mode. * FastNLOBlockB.cc, FastNLOBlockB.h, FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h: Change output to corresponding verbosity level. 2012-08-02 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h: Verbosity modes and error handling 2012-08-02 rabbertz * FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h, fnlo-cppread.cc: Reader: Kick out SetScaleMuR and SetScaleMuF * FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h, fnlo-cppread.cc, fnlo-fread.f: Reader: Added boolean SetScaleFactors simultaneously; dramatic simplification of user code 2012-08-01 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h: SetScaleFactorMuF return scalefactor, or 0. if fails to find scalevar-table 2012-07-30 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h: bugfix mur-variation. FillAlphasCache no longer visible to user. SetScalefactor not visible to user. 2012-07-30 rabbertz * fnx9999.f: v2 freader: Comment out additional MuRCache since wrong for scale variation 2012-07-26 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc: Bugfix mu-r variation 2012-07-23 rabbertz * fnlo-convert.f, fnloBlockBNlojet.cc, fnx9999.f: v2 converter: Unify output format to G24.17 2012-06-19 rabbertz * fnlo-cppread.cc: v2 reader: Add output for v2.1 tables 2012-06-07 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc: identify scalevar=1 when reading table 2012-05-31 rabbertz * fx9999rw.f: v2 reader: Added check on NOBSBIN <= MXOBSBIN * fnx9999.inc: v2 reader: Set MXOBSBIN to 212, max usable on my laptop 2012-05-29 rabbertz * alphas-grv-fnlo14.f, fn-interface.f: v2 reader f: set ttbar to zer0; temp. fix for LHPADF ABM11 bug * FastNLOReader.cc, fnlo-cppread.cc: v2 reader cc: Bugfix for my add. cmdline argument 2012-05-23 rabbertz * fnlo-fread.f: v2 reader: Trivial comment changes 2012-05-15 rabbertz * FastNLOReader.cc, fnlo-cppread.cc, fnlo-fread.f, fnx9999.f, fnx9999.inc: v2: Reader Fortran and C++: Some bug fixes for threshold corr, avoid segfault, asymmetric scale settings; more elaborate print out for scales 2012-05-09 rabbertz * FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h, fnlo-cppread.cc: Investigating problem with scale settings; present already in previous version 2012-05-03 DanielBritzger * FastNLODiffReader.cc, FastNLOReader.cc: fixes * FastNLODiffReader.cc: bugfix1 2012-05-02 DanielBritzger * fnlo-cppread.cc: GetIsFlexibleScaleTable 2012-04-30 DanielBritzger * FastNLODiffUser.h, FastNLODiffUser_Plain.h: new structure * FastNLODiffReader.cc, FastNLODiffReader.h, FastNLODiffUser_DiffPDF.h: 1. interpolate at integration edges. 2. New code structure 2012-04-26 DanielBritzger * fnlo-cppread.cc: (temporary) update 2012-04-24 DanielBritzger * FastNLODiffReader.cc, FastNLODiffUser_DiffPDF.h: remove compiler warnings * FastNLODiffReader.cc: remove unused includes * FastNLOUser_Plain.h: bugfix * FastNLOReader.cc: change warning for little number of scale nodes from 5 to 4 2012-04-23 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.h: virtual destructor * FastNLODiffReader.h, FastNLODiffUser.h: virtual destructor * Makefile.am: include Diffractive FastNLO * FastNLODiffUser.h, FastNLODiffUser_DiffPDF.h, FastNLODiffUser_Plain.h, FastNLOUser.h, FastNLOUser_H1Fitter.h, FastNLOUser_LHAPDF.h, FastNLOUser_Plain.h, FastNLOUser_QCDNUM.h: Fix endif misdeclaration. * FastNLODiffUser_DiffPDF.h: User module for 'diffpdf' as used by H1. * FastNLODiffUser.h, FastNLODiffUser_Plain.h: New class. User interface for diffractive FastNLO. 2012-04-23 rabbertz * fnx9999.inc: Make ten lines default scenario description; this accounts for the additional lines for fastNLO in table description 2012-04-23 DanielBritzger * FastNLODiffReader.cc, FastNLODiffReader.h: New classes for FastNLODiffReader to read diffractive DIS tables. * FastNLOReader.cc: updated pdf check. Old caused problems with diffractive FastNLO * FastNLOReader.h: update 2012-04-21 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc: check of Alphas evolution is reasonable * FastNLOUser.h, FastNLOUser_LHAPDF.h: change order in initialization * FastNLOReader.h: typo * fnlo-cppread.cc: update for executable * FastNLOUser_H1Fitter.h, FastNLOUser_LHAPDF.h, FastNLOUser_QCDNUM.h: example classes for FastNLOUser classes, interface to QCDNUM, LHADPF, H1Fitter * FastNLOUser_Plain.h: Template for User file * FastNLOUser.h: FastNLO User file for LHAPDF interface. * qcdnumdummy.f: removed file * Makefile.am: updated makefile * FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h: major change in structure 2012-04-20 DanielBritzger * Alphas.cc: remove compiler warning * FastNLOReader.cc: remove compiler warnings. 2012-04-18 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc: some improved coding. slightly faster. * FastNLOReader.cc: FillAlphasMz is now called as standard for all changes in MuR. This prevents bugs and is not really slow. 2012-04-12 DanielBritzger * qcdnumdummy.f: diffpdfdummy 2012-04-05 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc: compatible with unofficial table 2012-04-04 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h: Update&Bugfix. 1) PrintDefault now const. use PrintFastNLODemo instead. 2) Preparation for diffraction. 3) New PDFinterfaces 2012-03-05 DanielBritzger * main.cc.in: gimmick. colorful fastNLO 2012-02-24 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc: bugfix 2012-02-17 rabbertz * FastNLOReader.cc: v2: Fix off-by-one bug in fordname reported by DB 2012-02-17 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.h: Again renaming. * FastNLOReader.h: rename two getters _Pdf_ -> _PDF_ * FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h: bugfix. Member variable fFuncMuR/F must be initialized when making an instance of FastNLOReader. Only for some compilers 2012-02-16 rabbertz * fnx9999.inc: v2: Reader: Add provisionally some internal variables * fx9999rw.f: v2: Reader: make g77 happy 2012-02-16 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc: bugfix in PrintCrossSectionDefaults. 2012-02-13 rabbertz * FastNLOReader.cc, fnlo-fread.f, main.cc.in, main.f.in: v2: Added forgotten GPLv3 copyright statement to reader; switched back on LHAPDF LOWKEY