2015-04-23 New release of the fastNLO_reader package version 2.1.0, revision 2066: ======================================================================= - Compatibility update for changes in fastNLO_toolkit: - Up to 3-dimensional binnings are supported - 7 subprocesses for LO hh->jets as used in toolkit is supported - Internally used cross section units are rescaled to published units 2015-04-15 rabbertz * fastNLOReader.cc, fnx9999.f: Compatibility update for both readers: Rescale to publication units if different from internal units * FastNLOBlockB.h, FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h, fnx9999.f: Compatibility update for both readers: Rescale to publication units if different from internal units * Alphas.cc, FastNLOBlockB.cc, FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h, FastNLOReaderVersion.cc.in, alphas-grv.f, configure.ac, fnlo-fread.f.in, fnx9999.f, fx9999rw.f, main.cc, main.f: Compatibility update for both readers to work with hh->jets and 7 subprocesses at LO and with triple-diff. distributions 2015-01-20 rabbertz * fnx9999.f: Add comment to fortran part 2014-08-29 rabbertz * fnx9999.f: Enable my statistics evaluation in fortran of new fix 2.3 tables 2014-06-21 rabbertz * .svnignore.autotools, converter, nlojet++, reader, toolkit, userkr, v2.0: Work on svn ignore settings * .svnignore.recursive, Makefile.am, arXiv_1109.1310, bits, blackhat, common, configure.ac, creator, data, difftop, doc, doxygen, ep, example, fastnlo, fastnloreader, fastnlotk, fastnlotoolkit, fig, figs, fnl2342b_v22_fix.str, fnl2342b_v22_flex.str, fnl2352v22.str, fnl2380ak57v22.str, fnl5002pt12.str, fnl5350eta0v22.str, fnlo_int_nlojet, generators, hadron, include, interface, jetalgos, mcfm5.1-tools, merger, modifier, nlo-core, nlojet++-4.1.3, paper, patches, proc-dis, proc-hhc, processor, pyext, reader_cc, reader_f, src: Work on svn ignore settings; distribute steering files as data to share; install headers and libs into pkgdirs * .svnignore.autotools, converter, nlojet++, reader, toolkit, userkr, v2.0: Work on svn ignore settings * .svnignore.autotools, converter, m4, nlojet++, reader, set_svnignores, toolkit, userkr, v2.0: Work on svn ignore settings * .svnignore.recursive, arXiv_1109.1310, bits, blackhat, common, creator, difftop, doc, doxygen, ep, example, fastnlo, fastnloreader, fastnlotk, fastnlotoolkit, fig, figs, fnlo_int_nlojet, generators, hadron, include, interface, jetalgos, m4, mcfm5.1-tools, merger, modifier, nlo-core, nlojet++-4.1.3, paper, patches, proc-dis, proc-hhc, processor, pyext, reader_cc, reader_f, set_svnignores, src: Work on svn ignore settings * .svnignore.autotools, .svnignore.m4, .svnignore.recursive, converter, m4, nlojet++, reader, toolkit, userkr, v2.0: Set selective svnignore patterns for autogenerated files; documented in .svnignore files 2014-05-15 rabbertz * bits, configure.ac, dis-process.h, generators, hhc-process.h, hhc2jet.cc, hhc3jet.cc, hhc4jet.cc, interface, main_calc.cc, nlo-basic_user.h, nlo-core, nlo-process_i1f0.h, nlo-process_i2f0.h, nlojet++, nlojet++-4.1.3, patches, proc-dis, proc-hhc, split.cc, src: Start generator interfaces 2014-05-13 rabbertz * FastNLOReader.cc: Add 2014 to copyright line * fx9999rw.f: Reset to debug level 0; still to undo nxmax, nscale settings 2014-05-09 rabbertz * FastNLOBlockB.cc, FastNLOBlockB.h, FastNLOReader.cc, main.cc: Fix incompatibility with v2.2 tables 2014-05-08 rabbertz * Blafasel, FastNLOBlockB.cc, FastNLOBlockB.h, FastNLOReader.cc, Makefile.am, fnx9999.inc, fx9999rw.f, main.cc: Add Blafasel for Daniel * fnx9999.f: Trivial change in Reader for Daniel 2014-02-14 New release of the fastNLO_reader package version 2.1.0, revision 1689: ======================================================================= - ATTENTION: Bug fix: Second call to set a new LHAPDF file didnĀ“t refill PDF cache ==> PDF set effectively not changed! - Added output for 1-dim cross section to cpp reader - Reordered binning dimensions in standard output of example program - Implemented correct behaviour for point-wise differential cross sections 2014-02-14 rabbertz * NEWS: reader: Add release text * configure.ac, main.cc: reader: Add 1-dim output; fix quote issue 2014-02-13 DanielBritzger * FastNLOLHAPDF.h: bugfix when reading an new lhapdffile 2014-02-10 rabbertz * CRunDec.cc: Fix two warnings in CRunDec 2014-01-28 rabbertz * FastNLOReader.cc, fastNLOTable.cc, fx9999rw.f: reader & tk: unify printout for each dimension; for idiffbin=1 initialize upbin to be equal to lobin ==> always defined, but divbyzero if blindly dividing by this bin width (shouldn't be done anyway) * main.cc, main.f: reader: output changes 2014-01-27 rabbertz * main.cc, main.f: reader: Account for inverted dim ordering in output * FastNLOReader.cc, fx9999rw.f: reader: Implement correct IDiffBin=0 behaviour 2014-01-22 rabbertz * ToDo_Reader.txt, ToDo_Toolkit.txt: Updated todo lists for toolkit and reader 2014-01-12 rabbertz * NEWS: reader: Add news line for 1567 release * FastNLOReader.cc: reader: Adapt two debug output lines 2014-01-10 rabbertz * Alphas.h, FastNLOLHAPDF.h, FastNLOReader.cc, Makefile.am, configure.ac: reader: some trivial changes 2014-01-08 New release of the fastNLO_reader package version 2.1.0, revision 1567: ======================================================================= - Add missing FastNLOHoppet.h include - Remove two superfluous files 2014-01-08 rabbertz * FastNLOReader.cc, Makefile.am: Neuer reader release: Diesmal hatte ich 2 files zu viel drin ... 2014-01-07 rabbertz * AUTHORS, configure.ac: Add Georg to relevant files as author 2013-12-23 rabbertz * Makefile.am: Reader fix: Add missing FastNLOHoppet.h include to distribution tarball 2013-12-18 New release of the fastNLO_reader package version 2.1.0, revision 1563: ======================================================================= - Provides optional python interface to C++ library (--enable-pyext) - Enables optional use of alternative alpha_s evolutions (in C++ only) from RunDec, QCDNUM (--with-qcdnum), or HOPPET (--with-hoppet) - Works with LHAPDF5 or LHAPDF6 2013-12-18 rabbertz * NEWS, main.cc: reader release: Remove some forgotten printout lines * NEWS, ToDo_Reader.txt, configure.ac: reader: Update release text files, fix bug for Unversioned directory output of svnversion * Alphas.cc, FastNLOLHAPDF.h, main.cc, main.f: reader: Test release 2013-12-17 sieber * FastNLOLHAPDF.h, FastNLOLHAPDF6.h: FastNLOLHAPDF now compatible with LHAPDF5/6Depending which LHAPDF is used, the correct code is compiled.Support for the fortran reader comes for free, nothing has to be changedthere. But beware that cross sections will change due to improved interpolationroutine in LHAPDF. 2013-12-15 rabbertz * Makefile.am: reader: Add missing gfortran libs to QCDNUM and HOPPET deps 2013-12-14 rabbertz * configure.ac: reader: Drop AX_PYTHON_DEVEL from configure.ac; doesnt work on SLC5 * main.cc: reader: Deal with optional QCDNUM or HOPPET support 2013-11-19 stober * fastnloreader.i: removed swig warning 2013-11-18 rabbertz * main.cc: reader: Correct conditional include, thanks to Daniel * main.cc: reader: Add some missing #include conditionals for optional libs 2013-11-15 rabbertz * FastNLOAlphas.h, FastNLOLHAPDF.h, FastNLOQCDNUMAS.h, FastNLOReader.h, main.cc: reader: some necessary changes to get the alphas interface working in multiple cases 2013-11-12 rabbertz * ToDo_Reader.txt, configure.ac: reader: only text changes 2013-11-11 sieber * FastNLOLHAPDF.h: make functions virtual 2013-11-11 rabbertz * main.cc: reader: work * FastNLOAlphas.h, FastNLOLHAPDF.h, Makefile.am: reader: Fix to pyext make; added some setters to GRV and LHAPDF 2013-11-05 sieber * Makefile.am, configure.ac: Added with-hoppet option to configure.ac and src Makefile * FastNLOHoppet.h: minor changes to Hoppet interface 2013-11-05 rabbertz * main.cc: reader: Test main 2013-11-04 sieber * FastNLOLHAPDF6.h: First Test with LHAPDF:Works, but cross section is about 0.1% differentLHAPDF6 is substantially faster:LHAPDF5: lhgrid + fnlotab read + xs calculation 2.00 sLHAPDF6: lhgrid + fnlotab read + xs calculation 1.20 s * FastNLOHoppet.h: Hoppet Interface:Currently onle the Alpha_S evolution of Hoppet is used and a dummy pdf is providedto Hoppet. Nothing changed in the Makefiles and the configure.ac scripts 2013-10-22 rabbertz * FastNLOReader.cc, main.cc: reader: Skip check on scalevar existence for flexscale tables; not necessary 2013-10-21 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.h: remove pi as precompiler variable, due to name-conflict with TMath.h and since a renaming of this variable is not reasonable 2013-10-16 rabbertz * reader_autoinstallfiles_ac-2.65_am-1.11.1.tar.gz: Add ax_python macro to slc5 install tarball 2013-10-16 sieber * FastNLOQCDNUMAS.h: remove debug statements * FastNLOCRunDec.h, FastNLOQCDNUMAS.h: fix some types in crundec and using similar interface in qcdnumas * FastNLOCRunDec.h: Fix type of nflavor and nloop 2013-10-16 rabbertz * Makefile.am: reader: Add new m4 macro to extra removes * FastNLOCRunDec.h, FastNLOReader.h: reader: crundec adaptations * configure.ac: reader config, correction for python/swig checks 2013-10-15 rabbertz * Makefile.am, main.cc: reader: revert back to original qcdnum ldlibpath 2013-10-15 sieber * FastNLOCRunDec.h: FastNLOCrunDec with variable flavors 2013-10-15 rabbertz * Makefile.am, configure.ac, main.cc: reader: Add autotools install for Freds and Georg Python extension 2013-10-15 sieber * Makefile.am, fastnloreader.i, pyext, setup.py.in: Initial commit of Python extension. Not Yet in reader makefile or in configure.ac 2013-10-15 rabbertz * FastNLOQCDNUMAS.h, Makefile.am, configure.ac, main.cc: reader: Add first test version optionally using alpha_s from QCDNUM 2013-10-06 rabbertz * Alphas.cc, CRunDec.cc, FastNLOAlphas.h, FastNLOCRunDec.h, FastNLOReader.h, main.cc: Revert unwanted reader changes back to released version 1488 * Alphas.cc, CRunDec.cc, FastNLOAlphas.h, FastNLOCRunDec.h, FastNLOReader.h, NEWS, README, fastNLO, fastNLOVersion.cc, main.cc, toolkit: Renamed! Daniel's toolkit resides now in toolkit subdir of fastNLO. 2013-09-27 rabbertz * NEWS, README: reader: Add missing updates to NEWS and README 2013-09-20 New release of the fastNLO_reader package version 2.1.0, revision 1488: ======================================================================= - Enables calculation with LO table alone or with 1-loop threshold corrections - Gives consistent results between Fortran & C++ code with 1- or 2-loop threshold corrections - Small changes in FastNLOReader and CRunDec to avoid compilation problem on Mac as reported by H. Prosper - Some rearrangement in default output, in particular for K factors - SetContributionON now has boolean return value 2013-09-20 rabbertz * Edit change log for reader * CRunDec.h.hbp, FastNLOReader.h.hbp, NEWS: v2 reader: Update news and changes * FastNLOReader.h: v2 reader: Initialize TWOPI & TWOPISQR with precompiler define now; avoids Mac compilation problem reported by H. Prosper * CRunDec.cc, CRunDec.h: v2 reader: Added comments to explain Daniels change in CRunDec; static const double initialization moved to .cc file; avoids Mac compilation problem reported by H. Prosper * fnlo-fread.f.in: v2 reader: Fix small issue with printing escape in fortran 2013-09-12 rabbertz * FastNLOReader.cc, fnlo-fread.f.in, fnx9999.f, main.cc: v2 reader: Some small print out changes * FastNLOReader.cc: v2 reader_cpp: Fixed small scale factor issue * main.cc: v2 reader_cpp: Adapted printout logic to fortran version * main.cc: v2 reader: Add commented LHAPDF reader ex. 2013-09-09 rabbertz * main.cc: v2 cppreader: Rearrange output to give useful results for LO,NLO,1-loop,2-loop etc. * FastNLOReader.cc: v2 cppreader: Many changes to make it work properly with LO only, threshold corrections with and without scale variations; in particular SetContributionON, SetScaleFactorsMuRMuF and SetScaleVariation adapted. * FastNLOReader.h: v2 cppreader: Change SetContributionON and SetScaleVariation to boolean return value * main.f: v2 freader: Rearrange output to give useful results for LO,NLO,1-loop,2-loop etc. * fnx9999.f, fnx9999.inc: v2 freader: Move some table initilization part to where it belongs: FX9999IN 2013-06-27 DanielBritzger * CRunDec.cc, CRunDec.h: Inititialize static const double in .cc 2013-06-24 rabbertz * CRunDec.h.hbp, FastNLOReader.h.hbp: Requested changed for linking on Mac's 2013-06-20 rabbertz * Alphas.cc, main.cc: v2 reader: more adaption for thc conv tables 2013-06-10 rabbertz * fnx9999.f: v2 reader: comment added 2013-06-06 rabbertz * FastNLOBlockB.cc, FastNLOReader.cc, main.cc: v2: Fix problem with missing PDF cache initilization when switching on threshold corrections 2013-03-20 rabbertz * fnx9999.inc: v2 reader f: increase max docu lines 2013-03-18 rabbertz * main.f: v2:freader: Correction for use with Markus 1-loop table * fnx9999.f: v2 reader: Transform check into error abort 2013-01-14 Micro update release version 2.1.0, revision 1360: ================================================== To avoid the problem of an uninitialized top PDF when accessing ABKM09 or ABM11 PDFs via Fortran in LHAPDF (versions 5.8.7 and 5.8.8), the top PDF has been set to zero explicitly in the Fortran reader. Otherwise one could observe crashes or - even worse - arbitrarily wrong cross sections. This problem was not found with the C++ reader. As a consequence some differences between the reader programs can show up when using a PDF set with top PDFs > 0 like NNPDF 2.1 and scales Q > M_top. This problem has been fixed in LHAPDF version 5.8.9b1 such that the workaround could be deactivated here. Use this Fortran reader ONLY with LHAPDF 5.8.9b1 or later when accessing PDF sets ABKM09 or ABM11 ! 2013-01-14 rabbertz * fn-interface.f: Reader: Remove workaround for AB(K)M PDFs in LHAPDF 5.8.7 - 5.8.8; fixed in LHAPDF 5.8.9b1 2013-01-14 DanielBritzger * Alphas.cc, Alphas.h: bugfix calcalphasfixednf 2012-12-21 World's end Xmas release of the fastNLO_reader package including ================================================================== experimental support for diffractive PDFs, ================================================================== version 2.1.0, revision 1354: ============================= 2012-12-21 rabbertz * Makefile.am: Reader: Add missinfg header for distro * FastNLOCRunDec.h, main.cc: Reader: Add copyright statement for CRunDec; replace some printf by Daniels speaker * main.cc: Reader: Add two comments 2012-12-21 DanielBritzger * main.cc: update diffractive documentation 2012-12-21 rabbertz * FastNLOReader.cc, Makefile.am, alphas-grv.f, configure.ac, fnlo-fread.f, fnlo-fread.f.in, fnx9999.f, fnx9999.inc, main.f, main.f.in, speaker.cc: Reader: Finish Fortran/C++ output unification 2012-12-20 rabbertz * FastNLOReader.cc, main.cc, main.f.in: Reader: Some adaptations for output * Makefile.am: Reader: Add todo comment * FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h, main.cc: Reader: Bugfix for scale calculation with a posteriori mur or v21 tables 2012-12-19 rabbertz * Makefile.am: Reader: Adaptations for move of fastnloreader dir * Makefile.am, configure.ac: Reader: Adaptations for move of fastnloreader dir * fastnloreader: Reader: Move fastnloreader dir * Alphas.cc, Alphas.h, FastNLOAlphas.h, FastNLOBlockB.cc, FastNLOBlockB.h, FastNLOCJpdf.h, FastNLOCRunDec.h, FastNLODiffDiffFit.h, FastNLODiffH12006FitB.h, FastNLODiffReader.cc, FastNLODiffReader.h, FastNLODiffTestDummy.h, FastNLODiffUser.h, FastNLOH1Fitter.h, FastNLOLHAPDF.h, FastNLONLOJETLIKE.h, FastNLOQCDNUM.h, FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h, FastNLOUser.h, main.cc, speaker.cc, speaker.h: Reader: Unify C++ formatting using astyle -A2 -s3 -HUZ; indent by 3 spaces; tabs are forbidden; avoid trailing whitespace * Alphas.cc, Alphas.h, CRunDec.cc, FastNLOBlockB.cc, FastNLOBlockB.h, FastNLOCJpdf.h, FastNLOCRunDec.h, FastNLODiffReader.cc, FastNLOLHAPDF.h, FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h, ToDo_Reader.txt, configure.ac, main.cc, speaker.h: Reader: Untabify all text and code; tabs are EVIL outside Makefiles * Alphas.cc, Alphas.h, CRunDec.cc, CRunDec.h, FastNLOBlockB.cc, FastNLOBlockB.h, FastNLOCJpdf.h, FastNLOCRunDec.h, FastNLODiffDiffFit.h, FastNLODiffH12006FitB.h, FastNLODiffReader.cc, FastNLODiffReader.h, FastNLODiffTestDummy.h, FastNLODiffUser.h, FastNLOH1Fitter.h, FastNLOLHAPDF.h, FastNLONLOJETLIKE.h, FastNLOQCDNUM.h, FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h, FastNLOUser.h, Makefile.am, Makefile.orig, NEWS, README, ToDo_Reader.txt, configure.ac, main.cc, speaker.cc, speaker.h: Reader: Globally remove trailing blanks * Makefile.am: Reader: Fix Makefile.am s 2012-12-19 DanielBritzger * speaker.cc: update * speaker.h: update * FastNLOReader.h: bugfix 2012-12-17 DanielBritzger * FastNLOCJpdf.h: fix * FastNLOCJpdf.h: TestInterface to CJ12 * configure.ac: update splash-screen * fnlo-cppread.cc, main.cc, main.cc.in: updated executable * FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReaderVersion.cc.in: include SVN Version in fnlo-class/library 2012-12-14 rabbertz * Makefile.am, alphas-grv-fnlo14.f, alphas-grv.f, fn-interface.f, fnio.f, fnlo-fread.f, fnset.f, fnx9999.f, fnx9999.inc, fx9999rw.f, main.f.in, strings.inc: freader: Remove globally trailing blanks 2012-12-06 DanielBritzger * Makefile.am: include Diffractive Version 2012-11-30 DanielBritzger * FastNLOLHAPDF.h: bugfix 2012-11-27 rabbertz * FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h, fnlo-cppread.cc, fnlo-fread.f: reader_cc: Implement average mur scale printout in C++ reader as well * Makefile.am, configure.ac: reader: Comment out doxygen, doesnt work with prehistoric autotools of slc5; distcheck doesnt work either with slc5 2012-11-25 rabbertz * fnlo-fread.f: reader_f: Remove superfluosu declaration * fnlo-fread.f, fnx9999.f, fnx9999.inc: reader_f: In addition to x section derive Q scale per bin and print out * Makefile.am: reader: Remove superfluous LHAPDF conditional for fastnloreader lib * Makefile.am, aminclude.am, configure.ac, doxygen.cfg, fnlo-cppread.cc: reader: Add rudimentary doxygen support for testing 2012-11-24 rabbertz * Makefile.am: reader: All works from autoreconf via configure make make distcheck up to make dist * Makefile.am: Last fix in freader Makefile.am; make distcheck works for the first time! Yuhu. 2012-11-23 rabbertz * Makefile.am, configure.ac: Adapt configure.ac and Makefile.am s * fastnloreader, include, lib: reader reorganization again * configure.ac: Small additions to reader configure.ac 2012-11-23 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc: remove NScaleDim>1 variables 2012-11-23 rabbertz * CRunDec.cc, CRunDec.cpp, Makefile.am, configure.ac: Part 3 of modification to produce a reader lib plus exe linked to it * Alphas.cc, Alphas.h, CRunDec.cpp, CRunDec.h, FastNLOAlphas.h, FastNLOBlockB.cc, FastNLOBlockB.h, FastNLOCRunDec.h, FastNLODiffDiffFit.h, FastNLODiffH12006FitB.h, FastNLODiffReader.cc, FastNLODiffReader.h, FastNLODiffTestDummy.h, FastNLODiffUser.h, FastNLOH1Fitter.h, FastNLOLHAPDF.h, FastNLONLOJETLIKE.h, FastNLOQCDNUM.h, FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h, FastNLOUser.h, Makefile.am, fnlo-cppread.cc, lib, main.cc.in, speaker.cc, speaker.h, src: Part 2 of modification to produce a reader lib plus exe linked to it * Alphas.cc, CRunDec.cpp, FastNLOBlockB.cc, FastNLODiffReader.cc, FastNLOReader.cc, Makefile.am, fastnlo, fnlo-cppread.cc, include, speaker.cc: Part 1 of modification to produce a reader lib plus exe linked to it 2012-11-23 DanielBritzger * fnlo-cppread.cc: remove SetUnits(kAbsoluteUnits) 2012-11-21 DanielBritzger * Makefile.am: fix makefile * diffpdf.f: test module for diffractive version. * fnlo-cppread.cc: test module for diffractive version. * FastNLODiffReader.cc, FastNLODiffTestDummy.h, FastNLOReader.h, Makefile.am, diffpdf.f, fnlo-cppread.cc: test module for diffractive version. * FastNLOReader.cc: code cleanup * FastNLOBlockB.h, speaker.cc: code cleanup 2012-11-12 DanielBritzger * FastNLOBlockB.cc: remove commented code 2012-11-01 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc: caching for flexible scale * FastNLOReader.cc: caching for flexible scale * FastNLOAlphas.h: init default value. 2012-10-31 DanielBritzger * fnlo-cppread.cc: update * fnlo-cppread.cc: update docu * fnlo-cppread.cc: update documentation with diffractive stuff * FastNLODiffDiffFit.h, FastNLODiffH12006FitB.h, FastNLODiffReader.cc, FastNLODiffReader.h, FastNLODiffUser.h: update diffractive FastNLO * FastNLOReader.cc: Upadate caching 2012-10-29 rabbertz * NEWS: Reader: Updated ChangeLog and NEWS file * FastNLOCRunDec.h, FastNLOLHAPDF.h, README, fnlo-cppread.cc, reader_autoinstallfiles_ac-2.65_am-1.11.1.tar.gz: reader: Fix problem with conflict in double vs. int of fNloop, fNf in FastNLOCRunDec.h; add GetNPDFMaxMember(); update README file; add some autotool files for use with antique versions 2012-10-26 DanielBritzger * FastNLOLHAPDF.h, FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h: Finale Loesung fuer redundantes einlesen von LHAPDFs * FastNLOLHAPDF.h, fnlo-cppread.cc: PDFSet -> PDFMember * FastNLOAlphas.h, FastNLOCRunDec.h, FastNLOLHAPDF.h, fnlo-cppread.cc: Fix fnPDFSet initialization bug. ..Alphas and ..CRunDec now inherit the PDF-interface from FastNLOLHAPDF. Updated naming convention: PDFSet... . FastNLOCRunDec::fAlphas no more static. GetNPDFSets returns now c++ style counting 45 if 0-44 sets are availabe. 2012-10-22 Pre-release of the fastNLO_reader package for the fastNLO tutorial ================================================================== at the PDF school 2012 "Proton Structure in the LHC Era" at DESY, ================================================================== version 2.1.0, revision 1273: ============================= 2012-10-22 rabbertz * fnlo-cppread.cc: v2 reader final final changes 2012-10-22 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc: update with automated caching. 2012-10-22 rabbertz * Alphas.cc, fnlo-cppread.cc: v2 reader: Final changes for tutorial version 2012-10-22 DanielBritzger * FastNLOAlphas.h, FastNLOCRunDec.h, FastNLOLHAPDF.h: Remove commented out statements * FastNLOReader.cc: remove commented out statements * main.cc.in: go back to 2011 * FastNLOReader.cc: bugfix4 * FastNLOReader.cc: bugfix3 * FastNLOReader.cc: bugfix2 * FastNLOReader.cc: bugfix2 * FastNLOReader.cc: bugfix * fnlo-cppread.cc: no FillPDFCache via boolean * FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h: New function PrepareCache() * FastNLOAlphas.h, FastNLOCRunDec.h, FastNLOLHAPDF.h, FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h: Automatize handling of PDFCache. No more need to call FillPDFCache(). * FastNLOUser.h: return bool for InitPDF 2012-10-22 rabbertz * fnlo-cppread.cc: v2 reader_cc: Comment out first x section printout for consistent comparison with fortran output 2012-10-22 DanielBritzger * FastNLOAlphas.h, FastNLOCRunDec.h, FastNLOLHAPDF.h, FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h: AlphasCache is now completely removed from the code an managed by CalcCrossSection() 2012-10-22 rabbertz * fn-interface.f: v2: reader_f comment update for temporary lhapdf top density fix with AB(K)M PDFs * FastNLOAlphas.h, FastNLOCRunDec.h, FastNLOLHAPDF.h, fnlo-cppread.cc, fnlo-fread.f: Small corrections for reader, make default pdf consistent 2012-10-20 DanielBritzger * fnlo-cppread.cc: update documentation * fnlo-cppread.cc: update documentation 2012-10-20 rabbertz * FastNLOAlphas.h, FastNLOCRunDec.h, FastNLOLHAPDF.h, fnlo-cppread.cc: Reader: Change FastNLOLHAPDF(string name) from private to public. This is exactly the functionality I looked for: First define the table, then print table info, and only after that deal with PDF and alpha_s 2012-10-20 DanielBritzger * main.cc.in: update copyright 2011->2012 2012-10-20 rabbertz * Alphas.cc, FastNLOAlphas.h, fnlo-cppread.cc: reader_cc: Reworked example code * alphas-grv.f, fn-interface.f: reader_f: Set a_s to PDG2012 value 2012-10-20 DanielBritzger * FastNLOCRunDec.h: fix output level for printout. 2012-10-20 rabbertz * Makefile.am, fnlo-cppread.cc: Work in progress for fnlo-cppread * speaker.cc, speaker.h: Small mods to speaker output * CRunDec.cpp, CRunDec.h: GPLV3 version of CRunDec 2012-10-16 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc: two bugfixes 2012-10-01 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc: fix. Refill alpha_s cache, if contribution is set on, if it was off before. 2012-09-18 DanielBritzger * LHAPDF.h, LHAPDFConfig.h: remove lhapdf files, since these are available via the LHAPDFinclude directory. 2012-08-17 DanielBritzger * FastNLODiffReader.cc: Instant bugfix * FastNLODiffReader.cc: correct LO and k-factors. 2012-08-16 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h: bugfix for v2.0 tables. 2012-08-13 DanielBritzger * speaker.cc: remove commented part. * FastNLODiffDiffFit.h: User module for implementation of FastNLODiffReader in H1Diffractive Fitting code. * FastNLODiffUser_DiffPDF.h, FastNLODiffUser_Plain.h: remove old files. * FastNLOUser_H1Fitter.h, FastNLOUser_LHAPDF.h, FastNLOUser_Plain.h, FastNLOUser_QCDNUM.h: remove old files. * FastNLODiffH12006FitB.h, FastNLODiffReader.cc, FastNLODiffReader.h, FastNLODiffUser.h: Diffractive modules * FastNLOReader.cc: bugfix * FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h, fnlo-cppread.cc: Update. All enums now in namespace fastNLO. * FastNLOCRunDec.h: bugfix. 2012-08-11 DanielBritzger * FastNLOUser.h: update * fnlo-cppread.cc: example how to use the user functions. * Makefile.am: Update. Makefile * FastNLOAlphas.h, FastNLOCRunDec.h, FastNLOH1Fitter.h, FastNLOLHAPDF.h, FastNLONLOJETLIKE.h, FastNLOQCDNUM.h, FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h, FastNLOUser.h, speaker.cc, speaker.h: Update to User functions. 2012-08-09 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.h: FillAlphasCache must be callable for th user, if e.g. alpha_s has changed in external evolution code like QCDNUM. 2012-08-08 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h: Update for 'no zero' LO flexiblescale table. * FastNLOBlockB.cc, FastNLOBlockB.h: No scaledependent zero's for LO. Templates for redundant vector operations. 2012-08-04 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h: bugfix 2012-08-04 rabbertz * Alphas.cc, CRunDec.cpp, CRunDec.h, FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h, FastNLOUser.h, Makefile.am, fnlo-cppread.cc: Reader_cc: Add CRunDec as choice for alpha_s evolution 2012-08-03 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc: PrintBlock A1 and A2 in debug mode. * FastNLOBlockB.cc, FastNLOBlockB.h, FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h: Change output to corresponding verbosity level. 2012-08-02 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h: Verbosity modes and error handling 2012-08-02 rabbertz * FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h, fnlo-cppread.cc: Reader: Kick out SetScaleMuR and SetScaleMuF * FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h, fnlo-cppread.cc, fnlo-fread.f: Reader: Added boolean SetScaleFactors simultaneously; dramatic simplification of user code 2012-08-01 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h: SetScaleFactorMuF return scalefactor, or 0. if fails to find scalevar-table 2012-07-30 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h: bugfix mur-variation. FillAlphasCache no longer visible to user. SetScalefactor not visible to user. 2012-07-30 rabbertz * fnx9999.f: v2 freader: Comment out additional MuRCache since wrong for scale variation 2012-07-26 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc: Bugfix mu-r variation 2012-07-23 rabbertz * fnlo-convert.f, fnloBlockBNlojet.cc, fnx9999.f: v2 converter: Unify output format to G24.17 2012-06-19 rabbertz * fnlo-cppread.cc: v2 reader: Add output for v2.1 tables 2012-06-07 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc: identify scalevar=1 when reading table 2012-05-31 rabbertz * fx9999rw.f: v2 reader: Added check on NOBSBIN <= MXOBSBIN * fnx9999.inc: v2 reader: Set MXOBSBIN to 212, max usable on my laptop 2012-05-29 rabbertz * alphas-grv-fnlo14.f, fn-interface.f: v2 reader f: set ttbar to zer0; temp. fix for LHPADF ABM11 bug * FastNLOReader.cc, fnlo-cppread.cc: v2 reader cc: Bugfix for my add. cmdline argument 2012-05-23 rabbertz * fnlo-fread.f: v2 reader: Trivial comment changes 2012-05-15 rabbertz * FastNLOReader.cc, fnlo-cppread.cc, fnlo-fread.f, fnx9999.f, fnx9999.inc: v2: Reader Fortran and C++: Some bug fixes for threshold corr, avoid segfault, asymmetric scale settings; more elaborate print out for scales 2012-05-09 rabbertz * FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h, fnlo-cppread.cc: Investigating problem with scale settings; present already in previous version 2012-05-03 DanielBritzger * FastNLODiffReader.cc, FastNLOReader.cc: fixes * FastNLODiffReader.cc: bugfix1 2012-05-02 DanielBritzger * fnlo-cppread.cc: GetIsFlexibleScaleTable 2012-04-30 DanielBritzger * FastNLODiffUser.h, FastNLODiffUser_Plain.h: new structure * FastNLODiffReader.cc, FastNLODiffReader.h, FastNLODiffUser_DiffPDF.h: 1. interpolate at integration edges. 2. New code structure 2012-04-26 DanielBritzger * fnlo-cppread.cc: (temporary) update 2012-04-24 DanielBritzger * FastNLODiffReader.cc, FastNLODiffUser_DiffPDF.h: remove compiler warnings * FastNLODiffReader.cc: remove unused includes * FastNLOUser_Plain.h: bugfix * FastNLOReader.cc: change warning for little number of scale nodes from 5 to 4 2012-04-23 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.h: virtual destructor * FastNLODiffReader.h, FastNLODiffUser.h: virtual destructor * Makefile.am: include Diffractive FastNLO * FastNLODiffUser.h, FastNLODiffUser_DiffPDF.h, FastNLODiffUser_Plain.h, FastNLOUser.h, FastNLOUser_H1Fitter.h, FastNLOUser_LHAPDF.h, FastNLOUser_Plain.h, FastNLOUser_QCDNUM.h: Fix endif misdeclaration. * FastNLODiffUser_DiffPDF.h: User module for 'diffpdf' as used by H1. * FastNLODiffUser.h, FastNLODiffUser_Plain.h: New class. User interface for diffractive FastNLO. 2012-04-23 rabbertz * fnx9999.inc: Make ten lines default scenario description; this accounts for the additional lines for fastNLO in table description 2012-04-23 DanielBritzger * FastNLODiffReader.cc, FastNLODiffReader.h: New classes for FastNLODiffReader to read diffractive DIS tables. * FastNLOReader.cc: updated pdf check. Old caused problems with diffractive FastNLO * FastNLOReader.h: update 2012-04-21 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc: check of Alphas evolution is reasonable * FastNLOUser.h, FastNLOUser_LHAPDF.h: change order in initialization * FastNLOReader.h: typo * fnlo-cppread.cc: update for executable * FastNLOUser_H1Fitter.h, FastNLOUser_LHAPDF.h, FastNLOUser_QCDNUM.h: example classes for FastNLOUser classes, interface to QCDNUM, LHADPF, H1Fitter * FastNLOUser_Plain.h: Template for User file * FastNLOUser.h: FastNLO User file for LHAPDF interface. * qcdnumdummy.f: removed file * Makefile.am: updated makefile * FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h: major change in structure 2012-04-20 DanielBritzger * Alphas.cc: remove compiler warning * FastNLOReader.cc: remove compiler warnings. 2012-04-18 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc: some improved coding. slightly faster. * FastNLOReader.cc: FillAlphasMz is now called as standard for all changes in MuR. This prevents bugs and is not really slow. 2012-04-12 DanielBritzger * qcdnumdummy.f: diffpdfdummy 2012-04-05 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc: compatible with unofficial table 2012-04-04 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h: Update&Bugfix. 1) PrintDefault now const. use PrintFastNLODemo instead. 2) Preparation for diffraction. 3) New PDFinterfaces 2012-03-05 DanielBritzger * main.cc.in: gimmick. colorful fastNLO 2012-02-24 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc: bugfix 2012-02-17 rabbertz * FastNLOReader.cc: v2: Fix off-by-one bug in fordname reported by DB 2012-02-17 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.h: Again renaming. * FastNLOReader.h: rename two getters _Pdf_ -> _PDF_ * FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h: bugfix. Member variable fFuncMuR/F must be initialized when making an instance of FastNLOReader. Only for some compilers 2012-02-16 rabbertz * fnx9999.inc: v2: Reader: Add provisionally some internal variables * fx9999rw.f: v2: Reader: make g77 happy 2012-02-16 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc: bugfix in PrintCrossSectionDefaults. 2012-02-13 rabbertz * FastNLOReader.cc, fnlo-fread.f, main.cc.in, main.f.in: v2: Added forgotten GPLv3 copyright statement to reader; switched back on LHAPDF LOWKEY 2012-02-14 First public release of fastNLO_reader version 2.1.0, revision 1062: ==================================================================== 2012-02-13 rabbertz * FastNLOReader.cc, fnlo-fread.f, main.cc.in, main.f.in: v2: Added forgotten GPLv3 copyright statement to reader; switched back on LHAPDF LOWKEY 2012-02-13 DanielBritzger * fnlo-cppread.cc: update documentation. Remove '@DB' comments by KR. 2012-02-13 rabbertz * fnx9999.f, fnx9999.inc: v2: Increase string lengths 64 --> 80 in freader 2012-02-09 rabbertz * Alphas.cc, FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h, alphas-grv.f: v2: Add ATLAS scale to enumaration; re-establish similarity of a_S initial output 2012-02-09 DanielBritzger * Alphas.cc, FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h: Alphas defaults are set in Alphas.cc. Removed in FastNLOReader.cc * FastNLOReader.cc: Redo last change (redundant). Sorry. * FastNLOReader.cc: Make sure, that FastNLOReader::fAlphasMz is used for Alphas calculation. * Alphas.cc, Alphas.h, FastNLOBlockB.cc, FastNLOBlockB.h, FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h: code cleanup. FillAlphasCache when setting/changing alphas evolution. Printout information, when resetting Alphas-evolution. 2012-02-09 rabbertz * FastNLOReader.cc: v2: Reorder scale variations also in C++ reader * Makefile.am, configure.ac: v2: Some improvements in installation setup * fnlo-cppread.cc: v2: Clear some leftover comment lines in C++ reader 2012-02-08 rabbertz * FastNLOBlockB.cc, FastNLOReader.cc, fnlo-fread.f, fnx9999.f: v2: Reader: Added Nevt printout to scen. info; added 2nd digit to dim2 print out as requested by Daniel * fn-interface.f: v2: Bug fix: Float initialization of alpha_s(M_Z) fixed ==> eliminates O(10-6) differences to C++ reader; now O(10-11); clean-up * alphas-grv.f, fnio.f, fnlo-fread.f, fnset.f, fnx9999.f, fnx9999.inc, fx9999rw.f, main.f.in, strings.inc: v2: Fortran read code clean-up; comments, formatting, indenting, print-outs; NO result change 2012-02-08 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc: init of fAlphasMz with reasonable value 2012-02-06 rabbertz * Makefile.am, NEWS, QUOTE, configure.ac, fnlo-convert.f, main.f.in, strings.inc: v2: Bring converter installation to same level of sophistication as reader 2012-02-05 rabbertz * Makefile.am: v2: Bugfix * FastNLOReader.cc, Makefile.am, NEWS, QUOTE, alphas-grv.f, configure.ac, fnlo-cppread.cc, fnlo-fread.f, fnx9999.f, fx9999rw.f, main.cc.in, main.f.in, strings.inc: v2: Reader: Add main.f.in and main.cc.in for autocompletion of start-up message 2012-02-04 rabbertz * fnlo-fread.f, fnset.f, fnx9999.f, fnx9999.inc: v2: FReader: Allow order independent print out of scale settings to better compare with v14 2012-02-04 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc: remove compiler warning * FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h: simplify output messages for scale settings. remove compiler warnings. 2012-02-04 rabbertz * Alphas.cc, FastNLOBlockB.cc, FastNLOReader.cc, alphas-grv.f, fnlo-fread.f, fnx9999.f: v2: Reader: Some printout format changes foe even more consistency 2012-02-04 DanielBritzger * Alphas.cc, Alphas.h, FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h: Getters for all member vars. Change from 'GetFoo' to 'CalcFoo' if it is not a getter. 2012-02-04 rabbertz * Alphas.cc, FastNLOBlockB.cc, FastNLOBlockB.h, FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h, Makefile.am, NEWS, QUOTE, ReadFNLOTable.cc, alphas-grv.f, fnlo-cppread.cc, fnlo-fread.f, fnx9999.f, fnx9999.inc, fx9999rw.f, strings.inc: v2: Reader: Fix some inconsistencies between Fortran and C++ version, improve text, remove superfluous comments, ... 2012-02-02 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc: fContrName * FastNLOReader.cc: minor change of warning message. 2012-02-01 rabbertz * FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h, fnlo-cppread.cc, fnlo-fread.f: v20: Reader reworked for IContrFlg3 --> NScaleDep transition; some small issues to be addressed; C++ default output adapted to Fortran style 2012-01-31 rabbertz * FastNLOReader.cc, Makefile.am, fnlo-cppread.cc: v2.0: Reader: Attention ReadFNLOTable renamed for consistency. Many textual updates. 2012-01-30 DanielBritzger * ReadFNLOTable.cc: update documentation with warning for LHAPDF usage. * FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h: new method: PrintCurrentLHAPDFInformation and change setting of LHAPDF parameters. 2012-01-30 rabbertz * FReadFNLOTable.f, Makefile.am, NEWS, README, configure.ac, fnlo-fread.f: v20: Reader: Some changes for consistency 2012-01-26 rabbertz * FReadFNLOTable.f: v2: Reader: Improve print out 2012-01-26 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc: return '1' scale variation table if asked for v2.1 tables 2012-01-25 rabbertz * configure.ac: v20: Fix configure problem for --with-lhapdf 2012-01-25 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc: Speed-up PDFLC also for v2.1 hhc tables. Welcome message only once * FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h: Print welcome message only once 2012-01-24 rabbertz * FReadFNLOTable.f, FastNLOBlockB.cc, FastNLOReader.cc, Makefile.am, NEWS, QUOTE, README, ReadFNLOTable.cc, ToDo_Reader.txt, fx9999rw.f: Preparation for beta-release of reader code 2012-01-11 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc, ReadFNLOTable.cc: update in printout and documentation * ReadFNLOTable.cc: Documentation update * FastNLOReader.cc: Some warning messages for SetExternalFuncForMuX * ReadFNLOTable.cc: Comprehensive update of documentation. 2012-01-09 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h: remove nlojet-like PDF linear combinations * FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h: 1) Working 'flexible scale' HHC. 2) Possibility to define external function for calculaton of scales. 2012-01-06 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h: First implementation of flexible-scale code for HHC. Technically working, result not yet correct 2011-12-20 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h: cleanup of comments, cleanu of calcrosssection method. 2011-12-19 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.h: some comments 2011-12-13 rabbertz * FReadFNLOTable.f, FastNLOReader.cc, Makefile.am, ReadFNLOTable.cc, fnh5001.cc, fnh5002.cc, fnloBlockBNlojet.cc, fnx9999.f, fx9999rw.f: Remove superfluous -lfastnloNlojet; fix some small compilation probs 2011-12-09 DanielBritzger * Alphas.cc, FastNLOBlockB.cc, FastNLOReader.cc: removed some compiler warnings, espc. when using other compilers. * qcdnumdummy.f: adding asfunc 2011-12-08 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc: update for qcdnum interface 2011-12-07 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc: update 2011-12-06 rabbertz * FastNLOBlockB.cc, FastNLOReader.cc, ReadFNLOTable.cc: Adapt nscale loop; some trivial output changes to reflect similar ones in FREader 2011-12-06 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h: GetNScalevar, GetScaleVariations are now 'flexible scale' safe. * Alphas.cc, Alphas.h: Removed 'instance'. CalcNF now public. * FastNLOReader.cc: thresholdcorrections take now nf (in beta) from alphas::calcnf(mur) * FastNLOReader.h: remove accesing BlockB_NLO 2011-12-06 rabbertz * FReadFNLOTable.f, fnset.f, fnx9999.f, fnx9999.inc, fx9999rw.f, strings.inc: FReader update for NP and Data contributions; needs check with CReader 2011-12-05 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc: minor bugfix for flexiblescale tables. output improved. * FastNLOReader.cc: PrintDataCrossSections() update * FastNLOReader.cc: PrintDataCrossSections() bugfix * FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h: PrintDataCrossSections() 2011-12-04 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h: first implementation of a posteriori scale variations (NLO). not tested yet. * FastNLOBlockB.h, FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h: non-perturbative corrections are working. some better printout 2011-12-03 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc: nicer printout. * FastNLOBlockB.cc: Preparation for non-perturbative corrections. Preparation for data. New method PrintTableInfo() * FastNLOBlockB.h: Preparation for non-perturbative corrections. Preparation for data. New method PrintTableInfo() * FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h: Preparation for non-perturbative corrections. Preparation for data. New method PrintTableInfo() 2011-12-02 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h: (1) add threshold corrections. (2) Possibility to switch each contribution on/off seperately (SetContributionON). (3) lists of BlockB's now. 2011-11-29 rabbertz * FReadFNLOTable.f, Makefile-Markus, Makefile.am, alphas-grv-fnlo14.f, example-ref.f, example.f, fn-alphas-demo.f, fn-interface.f, fnx9999.f, myexample-ref.f, myexample.f, myfnx9999.f, testhhc.cc: Working common version of both readers for pp incl jets * Alphas.cc, FReadFNLOTable.f, FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h, ReadFNLOTable.cc, alphas-grv.f, myfnx9999.f: Working snapshot 2011-11-29 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc: bugfix in reading pdfs in half-matrix in order xfx2,xfx1 2011-11-28 rabbertz * 1109.1310v1.pdf, Makefile.am, Makefile.kr, alljet.tex, arXiv_1109.1310, configure.ac, doc, fastnlo-fig2-ct10.eps, fastnlo-fig2-ct10.pdf, fastnlo-fig2-hera15.eps, fastnlo-fig2-hera15.pdf, fastnlo-fig2-nnpdf21.eps, fastnlo-fig2-nnpdf21.pdf, fastnlo-fig2.eps, fastnlo-fig2.pdf, fastnlo-fig3-ct10.eps, fastnlo-fig3-ct10.pdf, fastnlo-fig3-hera15.eps, fastnlo-fig3-hera15.pdf, fastnlo-fig3-nnpdf21.eps, fastnlo-fig3-nnpdf21.pdf, fastnlo-fig3.eps, fastnlo-fig3.pdf, figs, psfig.sty: Fix subproject distribution problem with SVNREV; add doc distribution of arXiv article 2011-11-26 rabbertz * Makefile.am: Put switch --install for m4 * FastNLOBlockB.cc, FastNLOReader.cc: Fix some int vs. size_t warnings on 64 Bit compilation * QUOTE, SVNREV: Fix maintainer-clean files for reader packaging * Makefile.am, configure.ac: Add maintainer-clean files for reader packaging * alphas-grv.f: Check on M_Z and as(M_Z) * fn-interface.f: Check on M_Z and as(M_Z) * ReadFNLOTable.cc: Fix problem left with argument in PrintCrossSectionsLikeFreader * Alphas.cc: Check on M_Z and as(M_Z) 2011-11-21 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h: PDF linear combinations is now exactly the same code as in f-reader. * FastNLOReader.cc: bugfix. LO table now also uses the scale factor that is set with SetScalevar(int). 2011-11-20 rabbertz * Alphas.cc, FReadFNLOTable.f, FastNLOBlockB.cc, FastNLOBlockB.h, FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h, Makefile.am, ReadFNLOTable.cc, SVNREV, alphas-grv.f, configure.ac, fnio.f, fnx9999.f, fnx9999.inc, fx9999rw.f, myexample.f, myfnx9999.f, strings.inc: Many adaptations to equalize F and C++ Reader output 2011-11-14 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h: alphas-routing kGRV was replaced by new class Alphas. * Alphas.cc, Alphas.h: bugfix. * Alphas.cc, Alphas.h: new class for calculating alpha_s(Mz) in 1-,2-,3-,4-loop solution, using 3-step newton procedure. 2011-11-11 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc: bugfix. SetScaleVariation is now always using [0] for LO tables, and fScalevar for all other tables. 2011-11-11 rabbertz * ReadFNLOTable.cc, SVNREV, myfnx9999.f: Changes to debug scale 1 probs in C++ reader 2011-11-10 rabbertz * SVNREV, configure.ac: Fix for reader distpackage creation 2011-11-10 First test version of fastNLO_reader version 2.1.0, revision 923: ================================================================= 2011-11-10 rabbertz * SVNREV, configure.ac: Fix for reader distpackage creation * m4: Added missing parts for GNU standard distribution * AUTHORS, COPYING, FastNLOReader.h, Makefile.am, NEWS, README, SVNREV, configure.ac: First try at separate distribution of fastNLO reader * FastNLOReader.cc, myexample.f: Default output for FOR vs. CC comparison almost ready 2011-10-27 rabbertz * Makefile.am, configure.ac, example-ref.f, example.f, lenocc.f, myexample.f: Work on v2 Fortran Reader 2011-10-25 DanielBritzger * Makefile.orig: now lhapdf.h is taken from lhapdf include path * FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h: Possiblity to read v2.0 pp and ppbar tables 2011-10-14 DanielBritzger * FastNLOBlockB.cc: debug in PrintFNLOConstants() 2011-10-04 DanielBritzger * ReadFNLOTable.cc: alpha_s value MUST be set * FastNLOReader.cc: remove senseless output * FastNLOBlockB.cc: remove output * FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h: no need for LHAPDFPath * FastNLOReader.h: update * LHAPDF.h, LHAPDFConfig.h: add LHAPDF libs to have a working program in the repository. * ReadFNLOTable.cc: update 2011-10-01 DanielBritzger * FastNLOBlockB.cc, FastNLOBlockB.h: update in ultraflexibletableformat to avoid redundant storage of NSubproc * FastNLOBlockB.cc, FastNLOBlockB.h: update in ultraflexibletableformat to reduce table size * FastNLOReader.cc: new program logic for calccrosssection and pdflc 2011-09-30 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc: Update version number to 0.6 * FastNLOReader.cc: minor updat. * FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h: New option. SetCalculationOrder to set the order of pertubation series. The k-factor is always calculated as ratio to LO. * FastNLOBlockB.cc, FastNLOBlockB.h, FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h: ultraflexible table format implemented for v2.1. Also renaming of scalenodes. 2011-09-27 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc: more explanation in PrintCrossSectionWithReference 2011-09-21 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h: speed up! YEAH../../creator/ep if mu_f is set to one scale, we safe the loop over the other scale variable when evaluating the pdf. * ReadFNLOTable.cc: Possibility to set units (publication units or absolute cross section in IPublUnits-barn * FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h: Possibility to set units (publication units or absolute cross section in IPublUnits-barn * FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h: Restructured cross section calculation. * FastNLOReader.cc, FastNLOReader.h: update to new table format. Inclusion of PrintCrossSection. 2011-08-22 rabbertz * Makefile.am: v20: Restructuring cont * Makefile.am, MyMakefile.am, myfnx9999.inc: v20: Restructuring cont * mystrings.inc, strings.inc: v20: Restructuring cont * strings.inc: v20: Restructuring cont * Makefile-Markus, Makefile.am, MyMakefile.am, example-ref.f, example.f, fn-alphas-demo.f, fn-interface.f, fnio.f, fnset.f, fnx9999.f, fnx9999.inc, fx9999rw.f, lenocc.f, myexample-ref.f, myexample.f, myfnx9999.f, myfnx9999.inc, mystrings.inc, strings.inc, testhhc.cc: v20: Restructuring cont 2011-08-21 rabbertz * FastNLOReader.cc, LHAPDF.h, LHAPDFConfig.h, Makefile, Makefile.am, Makefile.orig, ReadFNLOTable.cc, ToDo_Reader.txt: v20: Integrated new C++ reader in autotools setup * Makefile.am: v20: Restructuring into creator, processor, reader cont. * FastNLOBlockB.C, FastNLOBlockB.cc, FastNLOReader.C, FastNLOReader.cc, Makefile, Makefile.am, ReadFNLOTable.C, ReadFNLOTable.cc, author, configure.ac, creator: v20: Restructuring into creator, processor, reader cont. * FastNLOBlockB.C, FastNLOBlockB.h, FastNLOReader.C, FastNLOReader.h, LHAPDF.h, LHAPDFConfig.h, Makefile, ReadFNLOTable.C, ToDo_Reader.txt, converter, merger, processor, qcdnumdummy.f, tableconvert: v20: Start restructuring into creator, processor, reader * reader_cc, reader_ep, reader_f, reader_hh: v20: Rename unnecessary ep/hh reader dirs to cc and f 2011-08-18 DanielBritzger * FastNLOReader.h: Bugfix for enum numbering. * ToDo_Reader.txt: Validation of printout and class discriptions are needed by MW/KR. Question on file extension. * Makefile: Use variables for LHAPDF * ToDo_Reader.txt: Future work. Restructure code to remove redundant things with the common/FastNLOCreator. * ToDo_Reader.txt: ToDo list for the FastNLOReader with some suggested improvements. * Makefile: Simple makefile with linking to LHAPDF from 'alliance'. * qcdnumdummy.f: FastNLOReader. Initial commit. Can read DIS v2.0, and DIS MuVar tables. Ready for release. * FastNLOBlockB.h, FastNLOReader.h, LHAPDF.h, LHAPDFConfig.h: FastNLOReader. Initial commit. Can read DIS v2.0, and DIS MuVar tables. Ready for release. * FastNLOBlockB.C, FastNLOReader.C, ReadFNLOTable.C: FastNLOReader. Initial commit. Can read DIS v2.0, and DIS MuVar tables. Ready for release. 2011-08-18 rabbertz * reader, reader_ep, reader_hh: v20: Create new dir for Daniels DIS reader