# -*-sh-*- # fastnlo_interface_nlojet-2.3.1pre-1855: # ======================================= # This is a prerelease for testing! # Please contact the authors for any questions, problems, or requests. # Content: # -------- # - C++ library for running jet algorithms from within NLOJet++ libtool libraries including interface to FastJet # - Example NLOJet++ libtool libraries for filling fastNLO v2 tables # Requirements: # ------------- # For installation of interface package: Patched version of NLOJet++-4.1.3: nlojet++-4.1.3-patched.tar.gz # FastJet-3.0.6 for the example scenario: fastjet-3.0.6.tar.gz # The fastNLO Toolkit 2.3.0pre: fastnlo_toolkit-2.3.1pre-1854.tar.gz # The fastNLO toolkit requires: LHAPDF version 5 or 6, e.g.: lhapdf-5.9.1.tar.gz # # All these packages are also downloadable from http://fastnlo.hepforge.org/code/v23/code-v23.html # Basic installation of one of these packages in six simple steps: # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # 1. Unpack distribution tarball in directory of your choice: tar xzvf package-v.v.v.tar.gz # # 2. Descend into created subdirectory: cd package-v.v.v # 3. Configure the installation: # (Prepared using the GNU autotools setup, which is NOT required for the installation itself.) ./configure --prefix=/path/to/your/local/installation_directory # If the same installation directory or other system-wide known installation directories # contain already a version of other required packages, these will be found and used # automatically. # If not, please specify the path to where PACKAGE is installed, i.e. where # 'bin/package-executable' or 'lib/package-library can be found: ./configure --prefix=/path/to/your/local/installation_directory --with-package=/path/to/your/package/installation # To see all available configure options do: ./configure --help # 4. Compile and link the project, use the '-j n' option to specify, # how many cores, e.g. n=2, should be used in parallel in this step: make -j n # 5. If implemented, run functionality test suite: #make check # 6. Install the products into the configured target directory: make install # Special installation recommendations for some packages: # ------------------------------------------------------- # FastJet: To use all available jet algorithms: ./configure --prefix=/path/to/your/local/installation_directory --bindir=/path/to/your/local/installation_directory/bin --enable-shared --enable-allplugins # Optional features: # ------------------ # fastNLO Toolkit: See the Tooolkit README file! # Usage: # ------ # The NLOJet++ interface comes with an example to do inclusive jet cross sections. # # The code resides in interface/hadron/InclusiveJets.cc of the distribution tar-ball and # can be copied and adapted to do other observables. The NLOjet++ libtool library gets installed into # /path/to/your/local/installation_directory/lib/fastnlo_interface_nlojet/libInclusiveJets.la # # For more flexibility in terms of event/jet selection and binning a steering file with name # InclusiveJets.str is required to be in the directory from where NLOJet++ is run. # Example steerings reproducing the 2010 CMS inclusive jet analysis like in fnl1014_I902309, # see http://fastnlo.hepforge.org/scenarios/tables-lhc.html, are installed into # /path/to/your/local/installation_directory/share/fastnlo_interface_nlojet # The two example steering files fnl2342b_v22_fix.str and fnl2342b_v22_flex.str both reproduce # the 2010 CMS inclusive jet analysis using either # # - the fastNLO fixed-scale table format that uses internally separate interpolation tables to store # results for multiple factorization scale factors mu_f, # # (This format usually produces smaller tables, but then whatever has been defined to be mu_f, # e.g. mu_f = pT_jet, can only be varied among the chosen mu_f scale factors. The scale factor # for the renormalization scale mu_r can be changed arbitrarily. Note: Work in progress allows us # in the near future the use of the HOPPET package for arbitrary mu_f scale factors also here, # but at the cost of higher computing times per table evaluation.) # # - the fastNLO flexible-scale table format that tabulates all logarithmic scale ratios to the # renormalization and factorization scales for up to two scale choices, e.g. sqrt(Q^2) and pT_jet # in deep-inelastic scattering. # (This format results in larger tables but has the flexibility to select arbitrary scale factors # for mu_r and mu_f AND to change the functional form of each scale choice! That is mu_r and mu_f # can be set for example to mu_r = sqrt(Q^2 + pT^2) and mu_f = pT, if Q and pT were the two original # scale choices.) # # See the description in the example steerings for more info on the various options. # # In order to run NLOJet++ (Please see also the NLOJet++ documentation!) you can do bin/nlojet++ --calculate -c[born|nlo] [--max-event=nnnnnnn] [-n taskname] [-s randomseed] -u lib/fastnlo_interface_nlojet/libInclusiveJets.la # # If this is the first call and a sufficient number of events is requested than the scenario produces # a so-called warmup table, e.g. InclusiveJets_fnl2342b_v22_fix_warmup.txt # This warmup table is necessary for fastNLO to optimize the interpolation in scales mu_r, mu_f and # in the fractional parton momentum x, where PDFs are probed. This warmup table should be produced # in NLO mode (-cnlo) of NLOJet++ and with at least some tenths of millions of events. Mileage # might vary depending on your scenario. # # If a file with corresponding name (InclusiveJets_fnl2342b_v22_fix_warmup.txt) exists already, # it is used and a fastNLO table is produced. The table can be found in the subdirectory 'output' # where its name depends on the -n option given to NLOJet++. # # Since this is a VERY time consuming step, where some billions(!) of events should be produced for # statistically reliable results, fastNLO allows the user to produce many LO and NLO tables in parallel. # Take care to use different random number seeds for each job! # These tables can afterwards be merged into one using the fnlo-merge program of the toolkit. # # Please contact the authors for any questions, problems, or requests. # For developers only: # -------------------- # If you have the GNU autotools installed, the project gets automatically reconfigured properly # if you e.g. add something new to a Makefile.am to be compiled or linked. # # The GNU autotools also support incremental installations. If you modify something in or add something # that requires recompilation or relinking, the install step can be restricted to only install updated files: make install "INSTALL=/path/to/install-sh -C"