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fast pQCD calculations for hadron-induced processes
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Table download

pp @ LHC

pp-bar @ Tevatron

ep @ HERA

pp @ RHIC

Table download (v2.x)

Use the buttons of the left sidebar to go directly to the table download pages. Tables including "cv21" in their name have been produced with the older versions NLOjet++ 2.0.1 in the deprecated fastNLO v1.4 format and have been converted to the fastNLO format v2.x.

Scenario definition

The elementary pieces in fastNLO are called "scenarios". One scenario comprises the code to generate the interpolation table for an observable with input from external programs like NLOJet++, the resulting table itself, and the code to evaluate it under various assumptions on PDFs, scales, etc. Usually, one such scenario corresponds exactly to one published measurement; depending on the type and amount of published data, however, multiple tables might be necessary. Conceptually, our scheme is identical to the way RIVET provides data comparisons to predictions of MC event generators. Therefore we adopted the same indexing approach and label fastNLO tables for one scenario with the record number of the corresponding publication in the inSPIRE (formerly SPIRES) database in addition to our own numbering scheme. Thus, the inSPIRE record number ties together the measurement publication in inSPIRE, the data tables in the HepData database, comparisons to MC event generators via RIVET, and our interpolation tables.

Tables in old format v1.4 (deprecated)

Formerly with fastNLO version 1.4, it was necessary not only to have one table, but also a dedicated piece of code for each such table in addition to common software in order to read and evaluate this table. This was caused by two limitations of the Fortran programming language: the lack of dynamic memory allocation and the lacking support for multiple instances of complex data types. Version 1.4 tables are therefore not available separately here, but only from the v1.4 code page together with the corresponding code.

Daniel Britzger, Klaus Rabbertz, Georg Sieber, Fred Stober, Markus Wobisch
(send mail to the authors:

This work is supported by grant DE-SC0009859 from the U.S. Department of Energy. This work has received support within the project "Inclusive and Semi-Inclusive Constraints on the Parton Distributions at the LHC and the Study of Hard Processes" by the Helmholtz Alliance "Physics at the Terascale".

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