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fast pQCD calculations for hadron-induced processes
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pp @ LHC

pp-bar @ Tevatron

ep @ HERA

pp @ RHIC

RHIC: pp @ sqrt(s) = 0.2 TeV
InclusiveNJets_fnr0001midpMB_v23_fix_I723509 STAR inclusive jets 2003-2004 MB trigger (midp. cone R=0.4; pT, eta); LO, NLO
InclusiveNJets_fnr0001midpHT_v23_fix_I723509 STAR inclusive jets 2003-2004 HT trigger (midp. cone R=0.4; pT, eta); LO, NLO
inSPIRE no HepData entry RIVET_ID: STAR_2006_S6870392
Validation plots: InclusiveNJets_fnr0001midpMB_v23_fix_I723509 NLO
Validation plots: InclusiveNJets_fnr0001midpHT_v23_fix_I723509 NLO

Daniel Britzger, Klaus Rabbertz, Georg Sieber, Fred Stober, Markus Wobisch
(send mail to the authors:

This work is supported by grant DE-SC0009859 from the U.S. Department of Energy. This work has received support within the project "Inclusive and Semi-Inclusive Constraints on the Parton Distributions at the LHC and the Study of Hard Processes" by the Helmholtz Alliance "Physics at the Terascale".

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