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code and tables for all scenarios can be found below:
- If a measurement uses a cone jet algorithm, we offer two tables, one with the original experimental algorithm, and one using the Rsep algorithm (the original algorithm is recommended).
- Some obervables are defined as ratios of two cross sections - these calculations require two tables.

LHC: pp @ sqrt(s)=7TeV
fnl1014 CMS inclusive jets (anti-kT R=0.5 - pT, |y|)
arXiv:1106.0208, (data at Durham to appear soon)
code table
fnl1013 CMS dijet mass (anti-kT R=0.7 - M_JJ, |y|_max)
arXiv:1104.1693, (data at Durham to appear soon)
code table
Tevatron Run II: pp-bar @ sqrt(s)=1.96TeV
fnt2001 DØ dijets, cone algo (DeltaPhi, pT)
hep-ex/0409040, (the data at Durham)
code table1 and table2
fnt2002 CDF incl. jets, cone algo (pT)
hep-ex/0512020, (the data at Durham)
code table (midpoint), table (Rsep)
fnt2003 CDF incl. jets, kT algo D=0.7 (pT)
hep-ex/0512062, (the data at Durham)
code table
fnt2004 CDF incl. jets, kT algo D=0.7 (pT, y)
code table
fnt2005 CDF incl. jets, kT algo D=0.5 (pT, y) [soon] - see interactive page
fnt2006 CDF incl. jets, kT algo D=1.0 (pT, y) [soon] - see interactive page
fnt2007 CDF incl. jets, cone algo (pT, y)
arXiv:0807.2204 [hep-ex]
code table (midpoint), table (Rsep)
fnt2008 CDF dijets, cone algo R=0.7 (Mjj)
arXiv:0812.4036 [hep-ex] (the data at Durham)
code table (midpoint), table (Rsep)
fnt2009 D0 inclusive jets, cone algo R=0.7 (pT,y)
0802.2400 [hep-ex], (the data from D0)
code table (midpoint), table (Rsep)
fnt2010 D0 dijets, cone algo R=0.7 (chi, Mjj)
arXiv:0906.4819 [hep-ex] (the data at Durham)
code table (midpoint), table (Rsep)
fnt2011 D0 dijets, cone algo R=0.7 (Mjj, |y|-max)
arXiv:1002.4594 [hep-ex], (the data at Durham)
code table (midpoint)
Tevatron Run I: pp-bar @ sqrt(s)=1.8TeV
fnt1001 CDF incl. jets, cone algo (ET)
hep-ph/0102074 (the data at Durham)
code table (midpoint), table (Rsep)
fnt1002 DØ incl. jets, cone algo (ET, eta)
hep-ex/0011036 (the data at Durham)
code table (midpoint), table (Rsep)
fnt1003 CDF dijets, cone algo (ET, eta1, eta2)
hep-ex/0012013 (the data at Durham)
code table (midpoint), table (Rsep)
fnt1004 DØ incl. jets @ sqrt(s)=630GeV, cone algo (ET)
hep-ex/0012046 (the data at Durham)
code table (midpoint), table (Rsep)
fnt1005 DØ incl. jets, ratio 630/1800GeV, cone algo (xT)
hep-ex/0012046 (the data at Durham)
code table1, table2 (midpoint) or table1 table2 (Rsep)
fnt1006 CDF incl. jets, ratio 546/1800GeV, cone algo (xT)
Phys.Rev.Lett.70:1376(1993) (the data at Durham)
code soon
fnt1007 CDF dijets, cone algo (mass)
hep-ex/9912022 (the data at Durham)
code table (midpoint), table (Rsep)
fnt1008 DØ dijets, cone algo (mass)
hep-ex/0012046 (the data at Durham)
code table (midpoint), table (Rsep)
fnt1009 DØ dijets, cone algo (chi, mass)
hep-ex/0012046 (the data at Durham)
code soon (see interactive page)
fnt1010 CDF dijets, cone algo (chi, mass)
hep-ex/9609011 (the data at Durham)
code soon (see interactive page)
fnt1011 CDF incl jets @sqrt(s)=546GeV, cone algo (pT)
Phys.Rev.Lett.70:1376(1993) (the data at Durham)
code soon (see interactive page)
HERA: ep @ sqrt(s)=320GeV
fnh2001 ZEUS incl. jets, kT algo (ET, Q2)
hep-ex/0608048 (see table in paper)
code table
fnh2003 H1 incl. jets, kT algo (ET, Q2)
arXiv:0706.3722 [hep-ex] (see table in paper)
code table
HERA: ep @ sqrt(s)=300GeV
fnh1001 H1 incl. jets, kT algo (ET, Q2)
hep-ex/0010054 (see table 2 in hep-ex/0010054)
code table
fnh1002 ZEUS incl. jets, kT algo (ET, Q2)
hep-ex/0208037 (the data at Durham)
code table
fnh1003 H1 incl. jets, kT algo (ET) @low Q2
hep-ex/0206029 (the data at Durham)
code table
fnh1004 H1 dijets, kT algo (ET, Q2)
hep-ex/0010054 (the data at Durham)
code table
RHIC: pp @ sqrt(s)=200GeV
fnr0001 STAR preliminary incl. jets, cone algo (pT)
DIS 2006 proceedings
code table (midpoint)

Daniel Britzger, Klaus Rabbertz, Georg Sieber, Fred Stober, Markus Wobisch
(send mail to the authors:

This work is supported by grant DE-SC0009859 from the U.S. Department of Energy. This work has received support within the project "Inclusive and Semi-Inclusive Constraints on the Parton Distributions at the LHC and the Study of Hard Processes" by the Helmholtz Alliance "Physics at the Terascale".

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