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fast pQCD calculations for hadron-induced processes
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Choose fastNLO version

fastNLO Toolkit v2.5
Version 2.5

fastNLO Toolkit v2.3
Version 2.3

fastNLO Reader v2.1
Version 2.1

Previous (deprecated)
Version 1.4


Installation of distribution package:
Via GNU autotools setup (NOT required for installation), in unpacking directory of the *.tar.gz file do:
./configure --prefix=your_local_directory
(should contain LHAPDF installation, otherwise specify separate path via
--with-lhapdf=path_to_lhapdf; see also ./configure --help)
make install
make check (not yet implemented)

For the installation of the reader package: LHAPDF
Please use at least version 5.8.9. For version 6 of LHAPDF at least revision 1689 has to be used.
For running the executable: fastNLO table, PDF set from LHAPDF

For more information see the README file.

Daniel Britzger, Klaus Rabbertz, Georg Sieber, Fred Stober, Markus Wobisch
(send mail to the authors:

This work is supported by grant DE-SC0009859 from the U.S. Department of Energy. This work has received support within the project "Inclusive and Semi-Inclusive Constraints on the Parton Distributions at the LHC and the Study of Hard Processes" by the Helmholtz Alliance "Physics at the Terascale".

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